Applications may be made to the correspondent, Mrs. S.J. Shone, by letter - not by e-mail.  Enquiries prior to any application may be made by e-mail.

There is no application form.  Applications may be made at any time and should be accompanied by the latest Report & Accounts of the applicant organisation.

Applicants should note that, at their main meeting early in the calendar year, the Trustees consider applications received up to 30th November each year, but do not carry them forward.  Having regard for the time of year when this meeting takes place, it makes sense for applications to be made during October or November so that the information they contain is most up to date when the Trustees meet.

Applications should be addressed as follows :

Mrs. S.J.Shone,                                                                                                 Bolinge Hill Farm,                                                                                                       Buriton,                                                                                                                   PETERSFIELD,                                                                                                          Hampshire,                                                                                                              GU31 4NN

The Trustees receive a very substantial number of appeals each year.  It is not their practice to acknowledge appeals, and they prefer not to enter into correspondence with applicants other than those to whom grants are being made or from whom further information is required.  Only successful applicants are notified of the outcome of their application.